“The true G.O.A.T. knows what they have accomplished, but NEVER forgets who they truly are." - Jared Yellin
Have you heard the acronym G.O.A.T.?
Who comes to mind when you hear this word?
Michael Jordan
Wayne Gretzky
Taylor Swift
Mother Teresa
Lionel Messi
Oprah Winfrey
Michael Phelps
What about you?
Maybe you don’t have a main stage like the people mentioned above, but this does not mean you need to deny your desire to become the greatest at whatever you commit to.
I remember when my daughter, Taylee, was born 8 years ago (my first of three children soon to be four) and the moment I held her in my arms while looking in her eyes I made a commitment…
I am going to become the G.O.A.T. Dad…
I remember when I launched my first successful venture, SYNDUIT, and I found a way to self-fund the business, become cash-flow positive, and pivot into an infinitely scalable model and as I battled each day to make it happen, I made a commitment…
I am going to become the G.O.A.T. Entrepreneur…
I remember when I was in college and I fully immersed myself in the world of fitness and nutrition, trained 3+ hours each day, eliminated all alcohol, maintained an insanely structured diet, etc., and I made a commitment…
I am going to become the G.O.A.T. with my health…
I remember when I began dating my now wife, Lindsay, and I knew she was the one, I went out of my way to make her feel secure, supported, important, etc. and I made a commitment…
I am going to become the G.O.A.T. Husband…
The point I am making is that GOAT is a commitment, it’s a mentality, it’s a way of life…
But what it’s not is a status…
Because anyone who believes that G.O.A.T. is a status, might achieve this outcome in one area of their lives but undoubtedly will implode in others…
I had this exact conversation recently with a new business partner who said…
“My only concern is when this takes off you will change.”
My response was…
“If that is your only concern, we are unstoppable because I am who I am regardless of this new venture taking off.”
I share this because I want to empower those who know they have more within to GO FOR G.O.A.T…
I want to equally ensure that their G.O.A.T. transcends business, athletics, family, wealth, health, spirituality, philanthropy, and more.
AND AND here’s how to do it…

9 Ways To Become A Humble G.O.A.T. At Whatever You Commit To
1. Do what others don't even think to do.
Whenever I speak at universities, this principle is ALWAYS the most needed lesson for the students, because when you are in college, you are in a sea of people and the ONLY way to stand out is to…do what others don’t even think to do.
I ask myself - almost daily - what do others not even think to do?
It’s not about what they won’t do – it’s about what they don’t even THINK to do!
For example, when I was in business school at Indiana University, I realized that sitting in a classroom was NOT the best use of my time, so I started a personal training business where I supported my business school professors, they paid me, I made them healthier than they ever had been in their life to date, and they passed me.
No finals…
No homework…
No class…
The perfect example of – do what others don’t even think to do.
But this mentality did not stop when I graduated college – I just ask myself “what do others not even think to do?” on an almost daily basis.
And my reason for this is…
I am committed to being the G.O.A.T. across all areas of my life.
2. Never waste time comparing yourself to anyone.
The fast track to NOT becoming the G.O.A.T. is to think, compare, and talk about other people.
Become monomanically focused on YOU!
Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Taylor Swift, Oprah, etc. did not and do not care about what anyone else is doing around them (when it pertains to their craft), which then gives them all of their waking hours to focus on becoming the GREATEST.
Whereas, nearly every person you know spends an inordinate amount of their most precious resource (TIME) thinking, comparing, and talking about other people.
And what will happen - because this has happened to me countless times - is the people who think, compare, and talk about others will begin to say YOU are so egocentric since you don’t.
And what I always say in response to this statement is…
“I know I am because I am 100% focused on ME, and, because I am 100% focused on me, I will become the G.O.A.T. across all areas of my life which has nothing to do with me and everything to do with serving those I care about and can touch with whatever solutions I am able to offer.”
I can’t even begin to explain how much more time you will have when you embrace this strategy and all of this newfound time will be invested into…YOURSELF and become the G.O.A.T. across all areas of your life.
3. Give at least 10% more when your tank is empty.
I don’t care if you are completely depleted in the gym OR as a parent OR as a spouse OR as an entrepreneur OR as a ________________(fill in the blank) – do 10% more!
There are some nights where I am completely spent - like ZERO energy - and those happen to be the nights when my three (soon to be four) children conspire to negotiate bedtime harder and more diligently than normal. If G.O.A.T. was not my drive across all areas, I would bow out and let them cry themselves to sleep BUT…
G.O.A.T. is my North Star in all areas of my life, especially as a dad, sooo…
I give them 10% more, which makes ALL the difference, because they SEE and FEEL how I show up, which very well might become their baseline when they are a parent in the future.
The same holds true with prospecting for new business OR creating a magical experience for your spouse on your anniversary OR your daily health routine OR any other area where you are committed to becoming the G.O.A.T…
You MUST ALWAYS give 10% more when your tank is empty and watch how much of a difference this will make on your quest to become the G.O.A.T.
4. Choose your words wisely.
EVERYTHING is what it is and the words you attach to what is become decisive.
In order to become the G.O.A.T. across all areas of your life, you must must must choose empowering words…
Your health routine is exciting, NOT limiting.
Your children are fun, NOT challenging.
Your business is stimulating, NOT hard.
Your spouse is extraordinary, NOT difficult.
Whatever WORD you attach to the area of your life where you are going for G.O.A.T. is what the experience will become for you.
For example…
In 2024, any outsider looking into my entrepreneurial life would say – it was hard, challenging, overwhelming, painful, etc.
I was in a situation where five years of hard work was somewhat destroyed by one person, but guess what…
I did not attach the words – hard, challenging, overwhelming, painful to 2024.
I declared that 2024 was my greatest year for growth and clarity.
I declared that 2024 was an opportunity for me to multiply by subtracting.
I declared that 2024 was the single greatest catalyst of my entrepreneurial life to date.
WHY did I do this?
BECAUSE I am going for G.O.A.T. – not just as an entrepreneur, but in ALL AREAS, and if I chose the wrong words to represent this one area, it will absolutely spill over into other areas of my life, inhibiting my ability to become the G.O.A.T.
So…PLEASE remember this statement…
EVERYTHING is what it is and the words you attach to what is become decisive.
CHOOSE empowering words!
5. Cut all anchors.
As you go for G.O.A.T. across all areas of your life, it's imperative to audit your relationships, your commitments, and where you spend your time.
Going for G.O.A.T. is legit all-consuming of your energy and focus and any detractor must be removed…
This includes people (possibly even family)...
This includes commitments (possibly even businesses or investments)...
This includes your time (possibly weekly or monthly rituals that don’t serve you)...
Because going for G.O.A.T. is hard enough - the last thing you can afford is an anchor - someone or something holding back your force, energy, and momentum.
Be unromantic, unapologetic, and unrelenting with cutting all anchors.
Don’t dance around it…
Don’t justify its existence…
Don’t ignore it…
Simply – CUT IT and CUT IS NOW!
6. Don’t skip days.
I have always told my team, family, friends, and really anyone who will or won’t listen – 100% is easier than 90%.
This means….
Don’t skip days as the G.O.A.T. Parent…
Don’t skip days as the G.O.A.T. Spouse…
Don’t skip days as the G.O.A.T. in your health…
Don’t skip days as the G.O.A.T. Entrepreneur…
Don’t skip days as the G.O.A.T. Philanthropist…
Because skipping a day requires planning (aka EFFORT) whereas 100% means that your quest for G.O.A.T. across all areas is embedded into your lifestyle, routine, and commitments.
And guess what…
The people around you who are not going for G.O.A.T. (aka anchors - see #5 above) will challenge you by saying…
“Just give yourself a day off from the gym, parenting, spouse, etc.”
And what you should do is the EXACT opposite of someone who is NOT going for G.O.A.T. in all areas but judging the fact that you are!
100% is easier than 90%.
7. Stop negotiating against your non-negotiables.
When you commit to going for G.O.A.T. across all areas of your life, what you are also doing is establishing what I call NON-NEGOTIABLES.
I have many but for example…
Workout 365 days a year…
Block 5pm-8:30pm everyday to immerse myself with my kids…
Block 8am-12pm every Friday for a date day with my bride…
Publish at least one article a week…
I literally have 50+ non-negotiables BECAUSE I am committed to becoming the GOAT across all areas of my life.
And what I am NOT permitted to do is negotiate against my non-negotiables.
There is no snooze button…
There are no cheat meals…
There is no reason to schedule anything between 5-8:30pm…
There is no shot of a meeting at 9:30am on a Friday…
This level of discipline might turn you off - that’s okay - it’s what is REQUIRED to be the G.O.A.T. in all areas of life.
Just use Michael Jordan as an example (G.O.A.T. of professional basketball). He simply did not negotiate against his non-negotiables, which created an impenetrable wedge between him and anyone else that has ever played the game.
8. Your entire life is interconnected.
The celebrity or athlete or musician or artist or entrepreneur who became the G.O.A.T. in one area, but fell short in all areas did not realize this very important principle…
EVERYTHING in your life is interconnected…
Your health impacts your relationships…
Your relationships impact your wealth…
Your wealth impacts your parenting…
Your parenting impacts your career…
Your career impacts your health…
Think about someone you know who has dominated in their career but is divorced, has children who do not want to have any relationship with them, and they have auto-immune disease because of their lifestyle.
Definitely NOT the poster example of a G.O.A.T. across all areas of life.
And I get it – it sounds like a ton of work to go for GOAT, and guess what? It is AND it’s the most significant and important accomplishment you will ever achieve if you commit to it.
There is nothing - and I repeat NOTHING - more meaningful than knowing you become the G.O.A.T. across all areas of your life.
9. Realize someone is always watching.
Going for G.O.A.T. in all areas of your life is a decision solely based on YOU.
Your motivation must be internally driven.
Your desires must be non-materalistic.
Your standards must be personally set.
Your accountability is the fact that someone is ALWAYS watching you.
You can’t get away with anything when you commit to becoming the G.O.A.T. in all areas of your life.
For me – my kids, my wife, my team, my friends, my following, etc. have two eyeballs on me at all times and I am held accountable by them.
My motivation, drive, and standards is ME, but everyone else around me holds me accountable to honor all 9 of these strategies as I am fully committed to becoming the G.O.A.T. in all areas of life.
And guess what…?
The same will hold true for you…
Now What?
What I have realized is that becoming a G.O.A.T. is really not for everyone.
There is an enormous amount of pressure...
There is an insane amount of responsibility...
There is an overwhelming amount of requirements...
When you think of any athlete, entrepreneur, artist, etc. who has earned the title of G.O.A.T., most were able to perform wonders within their craft, but nearly every G.O.A.T. implodes in other areas of their lives.
Some struggle with gambling…
Others pursue drugs and alcohol…
Some are not loyal to their spouse…
Others don’t manage their money well…
And the list of destructive behavior continues…
Because for many of them – G.O.A.T. was a title, a rank, an accomplishment, but what it was NOT is a way of life…
It was not a commitment across ALL areas of their lives…
It was not a mentality across ALL areas of their lives…
It was not a responsibility across ALL areas of their lives...
So before committing to the way of life of a G.O.A.T. – what I want to encourage you to do is NOT see this word as a status…
Don’t believe that this “status” makes you God…
Don’t believe that this “status” makes you above anyone else…
Don’t believe that this “status” makes you invincible…
GO FOR IT and when you achieve it – BE YOU (aka commitment, mentality, and way of life).
BE the YOU who plays with their kids in a completely immersive way…
BE the YOU who is committed to life with your spouse…
BE the YOU who has a financial plan and does not veer off course…
BE the YOU who does not even touch a vice…
BE the YOU that enabled you to become the G.O.A.T…
Unrelenting commitment in ALL areas…
Insatiable work ethic in ALL areas…
Undeniable intention in ALL areas…
Definition of discipline in ALL areas…
My goal for you - if you are open to it - is to commit 100% of yourself to become the G.O.A.T. in all areas of life - you don’t need others to know you achieved this “status” because the only person who truly matters when it comes to KNOWING is YOU!
YOU know you gave ALL AREAS your ALL…
Therefore, BECOME the HUMBLE GOAT and…BE YOU!
Live with Intention,